Friday, May 21, 2010

When is it easy?

I had a conversation with someone about how hard life is at times.  My (internal) first reaction was "when isn't life hard?"  I understand why they asked and I listened and did what I could to encourage and comfort.  In my experience very little that has true and lasting value is easy.  Sometimes I find myself in the midst of the struggle and the pain because that is just where I am - and sometimes it is the result of trying to pick up the broken pieces of my life after my own monumentally poor choices.  Regardless of which it is for you in your life (and I decline to judge any of the casual readers out there), I do know that Our Lord is faithful to provide the healing that we need.  This isn't to say that the pain is taken completely away (although He can if He choices) or that the consequences of our bad choices (if that is the issue) are vanished.  God expects us to grow and to learn from our pain and the trials that He places (or we grab onto) in our lives.

Working through the pain, the hurt, the trials is what causes us to grow.  I know people in their middle years that are still as shallow and superficial as a teenager.  I know young adults that are strong, mature and decades older than their driver's license would indicate.

Regardless of the trial or the pain you are struggling with I encourage you to keep your feet moving through it.  Don't avoid it, don't stuff it, don't disregard the value of it.  Jesus knows each one of our tears and can match them to the wounds inflicted at the cross.

blessings on your day

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