Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How Do You Cope?

Last night at my men's group, we were discussing the roots of addiction.  The common theme (among all addicts) is the drive to find a way to hide or push away the pain.  At some point in our lives - rather than learn how to cope - we discovered that medicating makes the pain tolerable.  "Medicating" can take on many different forms.  Over the years, I have come in contact with some of the different "medications" that people use to mange life, some (substance abuse) are obvious - some are not.  

Some of the less obvious ones have included violence & control, eating disorders, reality tv (my life sucks so I want to watch YOURS), gaming, obsessions with the supernatural/fantasy, reading (this has been one of mine); work/career and shopping.

It seems as if we can not handle life without help, support and artificial means.  I am sure that this says quite a bit about our society as a whole as well as the flaws in humanity.  And, as I am sure most recovering addicts can attest - the urge to replace one addiction with another is insidious and often supported by recovery programs.  The longer we "use" (whether a true addiction or one of the items listed above), the harder it is to handle life on life's terms.  Truly I don't know how people without God in their lives manage to keep putting one foot in front of another.   I know that it is only by the grace and mercy of God that I make it through every hour of every day.

This gives the old adage "let go and let God" a whole new twist.

blessings on your day