Thursday, July 31, 2008

What Is On Your Table?

I tend to read several books at once. I have picked up another Terry Pratchett book after a short break from him (started binge reading his Discworld series and got burned out after 20 or so). I started Sarah (by Marek Halter), The Case For Faith (Lee Strobel, great book that tackles some of the "hard questions" often asked of Christians) as well as the "uncut" version of Stepehen King's The Stand.

Yes, I have very eclectic tastes. So...what is on YOUR end table?

What A Week

I was going through my task list and think I have between 3 and 4 weeks of work stacked up. Today I focused on getting caught up on one of the design projects (our legacy application at work). I managed to knock out 4-5 small tasks as well as putting out a couple of fires.

Tonight I took BoBo's in to E for her dinner while Jimbo watched NoDogs. Started reading the book that was part of the class at church (the class finished last night - I am a little behind). The book is called The Shack. Is kinda nice in that first I get to listen in on everyone elses opinions and then I get to form my own.

Neighborhood sure has been quiet this week.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

When Reality Isn't

My favorite talk-radio show yesterday aired a segment on the recipients of an Extreme Makeover, Home Edition. They went from owning a "dangerous" home to a 5,000 sq. ft. mansion in Atlanta (4 fireplaces, 1,00o sq ft kitchen, etc.). They were gifted with enough money to keep the home up for some number of years. Now they will lose the house. They took the house (owned free and clear), refinanced and took out 90% of the value to invest in a construction company that is now failing. They are facing foreclosure and may soon be worse off than they were when it all started.

Taking ANYONE and jumping them 3-5 income brackets without giving them the tools and training (and sustainable income) to correctly use the gift should be a crime. Beazer Homes, ABC, Sears and all the other company should be ashamed of what they have done to people. They give them hope and help and then abandon them to disaster all in the name of ratings.

This same theme is played out across our nation daily. How many rebuilt homes, lotto jackpots and extreme makeovers are still intact 3-5 years later? We use, discard and destroy people's lives for our own entertainment.

Link to LA Times article -> HERE

Monday, July 28, 2008

Love & Respect

E picked up a new book at church a few weeks back. It has really been an eye-opener. It is called 'Love & Respect' (they have a website -> HERE). It has given us an amazing insight into why we get locked into a cycle of conflict from time to time. I heartily recommend it to any Christian couple that is serious about improving their marriage ad relationship.

blessings on your day


E and I spent about 3 hours at Macy's on Saturday while NoDogs was at a birthday party. Pretty much the entire men's department was on sale (40% - 65% off). Between dieting and getting back to the gym, my waist has gotten 3-4 belt notches smaller. I haven't really bought any new clothes for a couple of years anyway and most of my dress shirts are getting pretty tatty. We had a good time.

Productive Weekend

We got lots of chores done around the house this weekend. We got the TV in the master bedroom mounted on the wall. E picked up a new DVR box from Surewest and after an hour and 2 calls to tech support, I got it up and running (set 'Dogs of War' to record later in the week, still one of my favorite Christopher Walken movies). I replaced the shower head in our bathroom (Waterpik :), got a new mat for the front door (we were still usig the one that was there when we moved in 9 years ago), and worked in the garden. E pruned the dead flowers from a number of the bushes and I ripped out 2 tomato plants that were not producing.

The chore list is now a lot shorter.

Too Early

Made it through another weekend but haven't had enough coffee to say much this morning. Hope y'all are doing fine. It is supposed to be a little cooler today (90 ish) so that is nice. E is working day shift today and tomorrow so we get to have dinner together :)

Friday, July 25, 2008


There is no reciprocity. Men love women, women love children, children love hamsters.
- Alice Thomas Ellis

Random News

The picture above is the International Space Station (ISS) as seen from one of the shuttles. I think it is a pretty cool picture.

Been a quiet day so far. I think we will do Jalisco Grill for dinner and then hang out on the driveway(s) with the neighbors. The Jentgens are back from Disneyland and the Algers are back as well. SE is heading to the Apple store to see what's wrong with her mac-book (lost the external speakers) and then out with a friend. AR works at the pizza place tonight.

Tomorrow I want to hang up the TV in our bedroom (and get the dresser back). I need to pick 'maters at some point before they rot on the vine. I am sure I won't have any trouble getting rid of them. NoDogs will be gone most of the day at a birthday party tomorrow, we are invited over to the house for a BBQ later but not sure if we will go.

Have a great weekend :)

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Rocket Man

AR was a rocket last night. Besides several great catches, he scored 4 TD's. This looks to be a VERY good year for Roseville High School. Had T-Bell for dinner as I was on the run. AR took NoDogs with him to the field. I picked up dinner and headed over to watch AR play for a bit. SE met me there and took NoDogs home while I went to the class on prayer at Bayside.

Tonight is E's night to cook :D

blessings on your day

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


AR's team is doing scrimmages now. After work, NoDogs, SE and I will hang out at the field and see how he does :)

New Project

Started a new project today at work. I get to design and implement the next phase of the "real-time" data warehouse project - way cool! It is nice to do design work and even nicer to take something from conception all the way to production.

This is way I like being technical staff rather than management. Us techie get to do the fun stuff :)

Created for a Purpose

Ephesians 2:10 (NLT) For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so that we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.

Any questions?

Ginger & Curry Update

Dinner was yummy, even NoDogs & AR liked it (w00t!). Getting a majority of the kidlets to admit that any particular meal (cooked, not purchased at a drive-thru) is "edible" is a major accomplishment :)

The time spent in the gym over the last few months is starting to pay off as my pants fit better than they have in years (too vain to buy bigger clothes). I still hating getting up that early but the results make it worth the effort.

Lately I have been pondering the question of salvation from the perspective of John Calvin. I have come to the opinion that he was mostly correct in the mechanism but am still struggling with the idea that you can't lose your salvation once saved. If anyone out there has insight into this, feel free to share.

blessings on your day

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

And So It Starts

Hurricane Dolly is projected to strike on the Texas-Mexico border. Please pray for a light season as our economy can't take much more (and neither can our people).

Curry Night

Tonight for dinner, I have tomato-ginger-curry beef simmering in the crock-pot. I am hoping that the curry doesn't overwhelm the ginger. Work has been ok this week so far (meaning I haven't broken anything).

Got the schedule in email today for "Fall Ball" for NoDogs. The season runs from early September to mid-November (rain usually starts around Thanksgiving here in NorCal). Pop (E's dad) will be out here for 2 weeks at the beginning of October. Hopefully he will make it out again in June for AR's graduation.

Not much else to report today. The neighborhood has been pretty quiet. I imagine that will all change come the weekend and all the kidlets are back from their respective vacations.

blessings on your day

Monday, July 21, 2008

The Running Man

Just finished that book (The Running Man) by Richard Bachman (Stephen King alias). Most excellent book. It is not a classic horror book like much of King's stuff. The ending was a foreshadow of 9/11. I may see if I can find the movie that Arnie starred in of the same title.

Living with Cancer (pt 3)

This morning, I stumbled over a reference to a piece written by Tony Snow. Mr. Snow was press secretary for President Bush in 2006 He died of colon cancer on July 12th. The following is an excerpt from a piece he wrote shortly after being diagnosed.

Those of us with potentially fatal diseases—and there are millions in America today—find ourselves in the odd position of coping with our mortality while trying to fathom God's will. Although it would be the height of presumption to declare with confidence What It All Means, Scripture provides powerful hints and consolations.

The first is that we shouldn't spend too much time trying to answer the why questions: Why me? Why must people suffer? Why can't someone else get sick? We can't answer such things, and the questions themselves often are designed more to express our anguish than to solicit an answer.

I don't know why I have cancer, and I don't much care. It is what it is—a plain and indisputable fact. Yet even while staring into a mirror darkly, great and stunning truths begin to take shape. Our maladies define a central feature of our existence: We are fallen. We are imperfect. Our bodies give out.

But despite this—because of it—God offers the possibility of salvation and grace. We don't know how the narrative of our lives will end, but we get to choose how to use the interval between now and the moment we meet our Creator face-to-face.

The link to the full article is -> HERE

blessings on your day

Wiring Done

Saturday I spent all morning wiring a new television outlet in the master bedroom. We have SureWest and they use standard Ethernet rather than the classic cable. For a number of reasons, I decided it would be "a good idea" to pull a wire to our room. Last weekend I ran the physical wire from the junction box to the bedroom (spent quite a while i the attic trying to reach the wall to fish the wire only to give up and run it up over the roof to an exterior wall).

The whole reason for this project was to avoid paying the $200 that SureWest would have charged me. I estimate that I spent about $150 and 20 hours over the course of 3 weekends.

Come Home!

In our neighborhood, there are 3 other families with children that NoDogs can play with. All 3 are gone this week. "Mom" is the official playmate/entertainment. Pray for her, please.

Thursday, July 17, 2008


The works of His hand
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West Coast

Not much like the Atlantic, eh?
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Home Is Where The Heart Is

We focus on the things that we cherish the most. We protect what we hold most dear. We look forward to returning to where we feel safe, secure & loved. That can be different places depending on your circumstances. For some, it means going to where they were raised and seeing family and friends from the past. For others it is their own dwelling (no matter what it looks like) where they can shut out the worries and cares of the world. I know people that hide in bookstores, the mall, a park or even a specific room. A few find that safety and solace at work or in a church.

For Christians it does not exist here on earth. Our ultimate home is heaven. Now I am not going to get into a long debate on what heaven is like. The Word has deliberately shrouded the details in mystery (most likely because we really don't have the experience to understand it anyway).

For Christians who are serious about their faith, there is no place we can consistently go on earth to find security and comfort. Oh there are times and places that provide that, but never for long. We exist here to do God's will and allow Him to work out His plans for us. That is often (always?) uncomfortable. Ask the bulldozer that is shared by workers on 3 shifts about rest. We are God's tools and we are made for His purposes. When it is all over, we get a time of rest that can not be equaled here on earth.

blessings on your day
Philippians 3:20 (Living) But our homeland is in heaven, where our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, is; and we are looking forward to his return from there.

What's The Difference?

Are you a Christian? If so, do your co-workers/friends/neighbors know? Can people tell by the way you act, talk, treat your spouse? God calls us (Christians) to be different. We are to be "set apart" and "not conformed to this world." God has transformed and renewed us. He calls us to be Holy.

I could go on and on about HOW to be different but I expect that most (all?) of you know what needs to be done.

blessings on your day
"But as he who called you is holy, be holy yourselves in all your conduct; since it is written, ‘You shall be holy, for I am holy.'" 1 Peter 1:15-16

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Friday, July 11, 2008

Doctor Pen Shortage

For all you health care workers....

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Come next year, doctors may start to see a problem they've yet to experience -- a pen shortage. New guidelines released on Thursday by the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) prohibit drug makers from giving out pens, as well as other "non-educational" items such as mugs, to healthcare providers and their staffs. ... A 2007 study in the New England Journal of Medicine reported that drug makers spend $30 billion a year on marketing drugs, although the study did not specify how much the companies spend on so-called "reminder" objects, like bottles of lotion, clipboards and flashlights.

For the full article, click HERE

Dancing Waters

They recently opened a new, high-end shopping complex (across the street fro the HUGE galleria). The name of the center is The Fountains. True to its' name, they included a rather spectacular fountain in the center. Besides "dancing" (ala Belagio), it includes fog jets. I am including a few pictures (sorry, they are from my phone).

Shoe Shipment

For those who are perched on the edge of their seats - the shoes have been shipped and received. (Straight) Brian left 2 (two, not one) pairs of shoes at our house last weekend. Of course both pairs are critical to his success (actually he got a promotion this week). Brandi, our USPS Wizard swooped in to rescue Brian. She shipped both pairs (that's 2 pairs) of shoes to B's apartment. They arrived within 24 hours. Guess it really *IS* who you know ;)

Thanks Brandi!


Do you have a favorite password (or 2)? I have several that I use whenever possible. Unfortunately, my PC at work is not one of those places. Our company requires a change every 90 days. Our DIVISION requires a change every 60 days!

So... every other month I have to change passwords. As if that wasn't bad enough, you are "required" to use a random, machine-generated password. The only upside to this is that they give you pages and pages of passwords to choose from so you can at least try to get one that is easier to remember. I usually try to find one that can be pronounced and is easy to type.

It takes me about 30-45 minutes to make the change as I have to change it in all the sub-systems as well (I am too lazy to remember s different password for each part of the system).

< /RANT >

So Very Quiet

With the air quality so bad, the neighborhood has been a ghost town (like living in the middle of a rain forest except without the rain - or the forest). Everyone stays inside. There are no kids in the street; the driveways are empty of chairs; and the pools are used but seldom. I take it on faith that my neighbors (yes even you Jack-Sean) are still alive and well and waiting for the air to clear.

blessings on your day

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Prayer Time

Please pray for NorCal. We are supposed to have temperatures in the high 100's again today. Air quality spiked to 255 yesterday (making it VERY unhealthy for everyone) with no relief in sight. The fires continue to burn out of control.


Wednesday, July 9, 2008

BBQ Time

With the way the heat has been, I have been trying to cook as much as possible on the grill - however with the poor air quality (was ~170 yesterday, thinking it is worse today) "they" have been asking us not to.

Last night I did match-lite burgers. Tonight, I gave in to the "man" and am having Andrew do pulled pork sandwiches for dinner. I picked 2 dozen 'maters yesterday so I can whip up another batch of salsa as soon as I get a hour or so free. I don't think any of my hot peppers are ripe yet so will have to resort to store-bought.

blessings on your day

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Heating Up

With temperatures well into triple digits and humidity in single-digits, much of CA is under "explosive fire watch."


Old Guys Rule

So the teenage football players challenged the "old guys" to a game on the 4th. They were QUITE SURE that they would "smoke some tail" that day. The old guys won 5 to 3. Last I heard tee-shirts were being made (of course several of the old guys had a hard time walking the next day, but it was worth it).

Monday, July 7, 2008

Who Are You?

How may people do you really know? Most (all?) of us wear a mask much like that clown above. We hide who we are from our friends, our family and our spouses. We let the "mask" become who we are to the world. Occasionally we let bits and pieces show to select individuals but not very often. Sometimes it is easier showing our true selves to those that are not the closest to us.

When we reveal our heart - our inner most being to people close to us we risk enormous hurt. Yet those are the relationships that would benefit the most by taking off the mask. Fear - fear of rejection, fear of ridicule, fear of judgment prevent us from opening up. So instead of stepping out and trusting those we claim to love, we hide behind our masks - safe and secure...and alone.

blessings on your day
Ecclesiastes 4:12 A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.

Christian Cars?

South Carolina is considering issuing special license plates that proclaim the driver (or the car?) as a Christian. Florida recently rejected a similar measure over the whole "separation of church and state" issue (a good decision, the wrong reason). While I applaud the sentiment and awareness of the role Christianity plays (played?) in our country by the South Carolina legislators, I deploy the precedent.

Here in the good ol' U S of A, we have always espoused freedom of religion. As a result, the Christian church has only lately tasted even the remotest touch of persecution. If Christians are granted their own license plate, what is to stop Muslims, Mormons, Atheists and a host of other "religions" from demanding their own? Do we want every religion capable of starting a letter writing campaign designing their own, custom license plate? Sometimes I wonder about my fellow Christians. It seems that some, at least, of the stereotypes are true.

blessings on your day

Happy Birthday Jocelyn

Sunday, July 6, 2008

For the Floridians

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By Candle-light

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Thursday, July 3, 2008

Please Protect Me From Myself

Isn't that what the American public says? I liked the old-style sparklers. They were brighter and lasted longer. What kid ever died from stepping on a hot sparkler wire? Seriously, it was a rite of passage for most of us. It taught an important lesson - wear shoes outside when mom/dad tell you to.

Oh sure, I understand that some people are irresponsible (and yes, let's say it - stupid) but why does that mean the rest of us have to pay for it? I blame the lawyers personally. I am sure that there are a few that are honest, hard-working and looking out for the public good (just like there are a few "good" politicians). Far too many, however, are just greedy and callous.

Ok, that's the end of my rant for today. I'll try to find somethig nice to say a little later.

And So It Goes

The more it changes the more it stays the same, eh?

Well we are at the end of the work week. Thanking God for the shorter week and praying for a night without a pager going off. For the second night in a row, I spent 2 hours sitting at my computer working on systems while the rest of NorCal was sleeping.

We had night 4 of the pre-4th celebration last night. 'Toine & Wane-Oh set off a few pieces and the kidlets played with sparklers (not really sparklers but that is a different rant) and threw the pop-its.

Heading to the kitchen for more coffee, blessings on your day.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Apathy, Redux

A week or so ago, I posted a commentary on an incident where a group of people watched a man beat a child to death. The latest example of Apathy comes to us from Brooklyn, NY where a woman collapsed and died in a mental hospital without anyone lifting a finger. For the story from, go HERE.

In part...
"The video shows the 49-year-old woman falling out of her chair at about 5:30 a.m. June 19, then lying face-down on the floor and thrashing around before going still. The woman died."

Why does stuff like this happen in America?

Luke 10:36-37 "Now which of these three would you say was a neighbor to the man who was attacked by bandits?" Jesus asked. The man replied, "The one who showed him mercy." Then Jesus said, "Yes, now go and do the same."