Wednesday, April 14, 2010

What Did You Expect?

Ok, I admit it - I fell into the trap of expectations this morning.  As hard as I try to avoid it, I am still caught on more occasions than I like to admit.   During my more cynical moments I have been heard to quote "blessed is he who expects nothing for he shall not be disappointed."   Cynical though it is, there is a grain of truth to it.   It seems that every time I pin my hopes on expectations I get disappointed and angry.  This morning when the alarm went off I almost ignored it and went back to sleep (the temptation was enormous as my insomnia has been an issue lately).  Instead I dragged my carcass out of bed, fumbled into my gym clothes and poured myself into the car.  Today was a day in which the person who opens the gym also had difficulty getting out of bed (apparently).  After sitting in the parking lot for 15 minutes, I gave up and returned home, rehearsing my right to be angry.

The truth of course, is that we all fail from time to time (some of us - me - have yet to put 2 consecutive hours together without a failure) and to expect otherwise is to set ourselves up for disappointment.   When the object of our disappointment is another person, the risk is that we will lash out and punish that person for "failing us."  I have done this to my children, my mate, my friends and my coworkers.  Every time I do, God reminds me of my own failings (and does so gently and with love) and points out that He doesn't punish me, lash out, withhold His love or retaliate in any way.

Why is it we can't tolerate failings in others but constantly espouse the belief that everyone should tolerate ours????   Sigh, yeah I don't have an answer for that other than to say that it wasn't modeled that way by the Lord of Love.  This also ties into the topic of intolerance (read a great post on this earlier) but that deserves an entry of its' own in this blog.  Until then....

blessings on your day

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