Tuesday, April 13, 2010

What To Do

What to do when nothing seems to work and very little seems to be right - yup, that is the question of the day.  Of course this is also a trick question.  There are a number of reasons why you might find yourself in this situation so let's take a moment and examine a few of them.

1.  There are answers but I don't like any of them.   A lot of times we can see what could be done but are unwilling or unable to follow through with anything we see.  Sometimes we call this a lose-lose situation.  None of our choices are appealing (or perhaps all are appalling) and we dither, spin and procrastinate.  The risk here is falling into victim-mode and believing we are helpless and have no choice or say in the outcome.

2.  We are someplace we shouldn't be (and we know it) or doing something we shouldn't be doing (ditto).  The problem isn't that we have no choices and can't see a way out.  Nope, the problem is that only way out is often to admit, confess, repent and get ready to live with the consequences of our choices.  Whether it is chasing "forbidden fruit" (pick a category, any category), practicing our addictions, or allowing our own pride and ego to dictate our actions and responses; the fact is that we got into this mess through our own actions.

3.  God backs us into a corner.  Sometimes this is a result of either 1 or 2 or sometimes it is because we are too dense, stubborn and pride-filled to learn any other way.  Often, it seems we just won't listen to what God is saying to us.  We tune out certain sources (our spouse, our friends), we reject certain ideas (travel lightly, quit your job, get out of that relationship) or we aren't willing to let go (the new car/house, our drinking/smoking/gambling/addiction, unhealthy friends, etc.).

Once you know why you feel backed into a corner, it is usually fairly obvious what you need to do to get out.   The next time you hear yourself say "I just don't have any options left and I don't know what to do" ask yourself why it is you feel that way.

blessings on your day

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

very good