Wednesday, April 21, 2010

It Is All In The Timing

I was reading a blog entry recently where the author was bemoaning the timing of an incident - that things they would have made a different choice if things had happened in a different order.  I had to smile - oh not that I was entertained by the post but rather because I have said the same thing and had similar conversations with many Christians.  One thing I have learned is that when these "timing mishaps" occur, it is always a result of Divine Intervention.   God's timing is always perfect - for His plans.   All too often it throws a wrench into our plans in the process and that is God's purpose and plan in arranging it that way. 

I remember when things fell apart in my life last fall.   After the dust settled a bit and I started seeing and thinking clearly I realized that the timing, while pretty horrific for me, was perfect for putting things in (proper) motion.  As painful as it was, things had to be lined up and I had to be at the right place for the process to generate the outcome that God wanted.   The result for me is that now, rather than grumbling about the timing of God's plans, I strive to see the reasons and the purpose and do what (little) I can to facilitate the growth and learning that God has in store for me.   Embracing God's plans is - in the long run - far more beneficial than fighting, kicking and screaming (which I have done an awful lot of the time).

blessings on your day

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