Monday, March 29, 2010


I feel like I am wandering aimlessly today.   I look back and list out what I have accomplished and I was actually fairly productive but at the same time I know I can do better.  I researched the book I mentioned below and it is actually cheaper on B&N (eBook) than anywhere else so I may just go ahead and download it to my Nook.  I need to leave in a little bit and go pick up Noah.  He spent the day with my mom & dad today.  My men's group has moved to Mondays for a while (Rich is taking salsa lessons on Tuesdays) so will have to stay on task and get the boy his allergy shots before dinner.

Still haven't found an Easter Egg hunt that we can attend.  Since we canceled the Clovis trip we are suddenly without plans (at least plans that include finding eggs).  I am looking forward to starting the book tonight when I get home (if Emma is still up).

Have a good evening, keep looking up and we will chat again tomorrow.

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