Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Do You Burn?

I am not going to post a link to the news stories (feel free to Google it) of the church in Gainesville that is hosting a book burning simply because every news wire on the net is running the story.  I will try hard not to blast the pastor and the congregation.  What I do want to say is that this is a bad idea on too many levels to even list.  So rather than try to touch on all aspects, let me focus on the one that counts.

Does the Qur'an contain the Word of God?  Not as far as I am concerned.  Is the book particularly holy?  Not to me.  Have some Muslims been guilty of terrorist attacks against my country?  Absolutely!

Does the Word of God support this type of a response?  On occasion it does.  Always in the Old Testament, always at the direct command of God, always for a specific situation and always as a means of purifying the Land.  Regardless of the televangelists claims to the contrary, America is NOT God's Promised Land.  We have not been commanded to tear out root and stalk everything that is incompatible with that.  We are not in a holy war against Islam (or Muslims).

In fact, the Word commands us to leave judgment, vengeance and justice to the Almighty God.  We are commanded to love our enemies and pray for those that abuse us.  We are told to turn the other cheek and to reach out in love and compassion.

Please explain to me Reverend Jones, how this shows the love of Jesus to a lost and hurting generation?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Several of us are covering the entire church in prayer; we pray that God turns their hearts away from anger & hatred and towards forgiveness & mercy.
I personally DO believe islam is an evil religion, but you don't go around burning books. It's nothing except inflammatory; it accomplishes nothing. If they really wanted to DO something; they would gather instead in prayer for their enemies.

My 2 cents