Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Can't Buy Me Love

We are all (well anyone over 35 at least) are familiar with the Beatles tune in the title of this post.  And for many years we have been told that money can't buy happiness either (although counterfeits of both are available on the street corner or through mail order).

Now, according to researchers at Princeton, you can, in fact, buy happiness.  And in case you were wondering, it costs about $75,000 a year.  While I don't dispute the findings of the research team, I am greatly discouraged and saddened by this.  Ultimately, this is an indictment of our society in general and the advertising industry specifically.  I recognize that there are basic needs that people have that can be best met with money. At the same time it drives home the point that we find our security in the balance in our bank account, the size of our house and the type of car we drive.

Even in the Christian community, I see more and more people who are reckless with their money and are constantly battling insolvency.  Yes, I readily agree that God sends trials our way - especially when it comes to how we handle our money (or allow it to handle US).  I agree that we are not to be hoarders and misers.  The Word is very clear, however, in the instructions to be careful and wise stewards of the resources God provides us. 

God has "instructed" Emma and I more than once on the value of finding security in money as well as provided a number of lessons on wise spending.  I find it prudent to take these lessons to heart and practice them diligently.  While God certainly encourages us to enjoy the blessings He pours out on us, He also wants the focus to be on the Giver and not on the gifts.

blessings on your day

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