Wednesday, April 14, 2010

So...How Do I Do It?

My wife asked me the other evening how I decide what to write here, in this blog.   I suppose few (if any) of you really care about the answer but it did get me thinking a bit.  So, if you care not at all, stop reading now and I absolutely won't be offended.
Still reading?  ok then - I will ramble a bit and explore my own muse as best I can.   The short answer is - it depends.   Over the last 6 months or so - since I have started blogging regularly again - there have been numerous inspirations for posts.  Of course the most trivial is simply to share what is going on in my life and the life of my family.  Frankly, some days that is the only thing I have to say.  This morning, one of my posts was inspired by another blog (as I noted).  If you took the time to read it you might be able to discern whence came my inspiration - but it is equally likely that you will just scratch your head and move on (which is fine by me).

One of my favorite radio preachers is Alistair Begg - his sermons have inspired blog entries on numerous occasions (although not always on the same day that I listened to it).   Another key inspiration has been the book that Emma and I are reading (check out posts on Sacred Marriage and then go get the book).   Sometimes an issue, conflict or incident in my life prompts me to journal and share.   My daily devotion or a bible verse email has sent me on a flurry of composing as had my journey towards recovery from my addiction.

And sometimes it is the Spirit who speaks in that still small voice to my heart.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kept reading ;)