Thursday, February 11, 2010


February 14th is, perhaps, the most dreaded day on the calendar for most men.  We are judged, convicted and sentenced based on how well we respond (note:  your reality may vary and I am speaking in generalities).  Picking the right card, finding a restaurant (better start calling 4-6 weeks in advance), deciding whether to do chocolate, flowers or jewelry can be a task beyond the ability of some.  It doesn't help to know that the greeting card industry invented this holiday.   No matter your status, the day can be intimidating at best and terrifying at the most.

All that aside, there is value in Valentine's Day (other than to the bottom line of Hallmark).  That value lies in being "encouraged" to focus on the ones you love the most.  For one day we make the effort to demonstrate our love and affection when in reality we should be behaving no differently than any other day of the year.  We should be making an effort to demonstrate our love and affection every day not just once (or perhaps as many as a half dozen times a year). 

Jesus loved us so much He died one of the most horrific deaths possible.  What are you willing to do?  How will you show your love to those you hold dear on February 15th?

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