Thursday, January 7, 2010


It is interesting to me how things line up.  The VOTD was Ephesians 5:1-2 which speaks of imitating Christ and the devotional from the 1st discussed how we need to know the mind of God if we are to be like Him.   Of course the only way to know the mind of God is to read what He wrote - yet another reason to be the Word regularly.  I have known people that do this well - you can usually ask them almost anything along the line of "What do you think God wants.." and they know without needing to open a book.  They know because they are so immersed in the Word that they understand how God thinks.

It was the fashion a while back for believers to wear WWJD in some form about their person.   I wonder how many of those wearing the letters could actually answer the question "What Would Jesus Do" if they were asked about a specific situation or topic?

On a sad note, Andrew heard today that he didn't get the job in the USAF that they had for him.  Apparently another person was in line and accepted it at the last possible minute.

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