Thursday, December 3, 2009


What place does doctrine and tradition take in today's church?   There is an interesting post on one of the blogs I follow (to the left) HERE.   In it, the author suggests that it is a mistake to get too generic.  My views are certainly colored by the time I spent in the LCMS church (conservative Lutheran).  I have strong opinions regarding Sola Scriptura, the meaning behind The Lord's Supper and the importance of the creeds.  At the same time, my views in other areas has shifted (baptism, church high-days and worship style to name a couple).

For the past 12 years, I have attended churches that downplay their denominational affiliations so I honestly don't know much about their doctrine.  I have found myself evaluating them solely on their theology, reliance on scripture and the centrality of Jesus.

At any rate, regardless of where you might fall in the spectrum, the article was good food for thought.

blessings on your day

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