Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Onward Christian Soldier

Today is the day that we set aside each year to remember and honor those who fight (and die) to keep our country free.   Once again, the battles are being fought in remote, obscure corners of the earth for reasons that not everyone understands and many don't agree with.   That is what it means to be a soldier.  You go where you are told and fight the battles that you are lead into.   And sometimes you die in the process.

We Christians are soldiers as well.  God sends us into battles that we often don't volunteer for in areas that we would rather not consider.  Sometimes we are sent into battle with a comrade in arms - sometimes we are sent into a battle with no one but God at our side.  Like many of the Christians I know, I am in a battle today.   Although there are days when I weary of the struggle I know that in the end, with God's help, I will be victorious.

What battles are you fighting?  Do you have God at your side or are you trying to go it alone?  In the end that will determine whether you retire the field in victory or are carried off on a stretcher.

blessings on your day and as you go, thank God for the men and women of the Armed Forces who allow you to live in freedom and safety...

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