Friday, November 13, 2009

Have You Noticed?

I have seen, over the years, that God rarely does things the way you expect (or even WHAT you expect).   The last few days have been a steady stream of surprises - some good, some ....not so much.   It has served to remind me that He is a consummate planner and that He always has more on the table for me than I consider reasonable.   It would be like registering for classes only to discover that "someone" added a math class and two history lectures to your load without asking you.

The only good thing about this is that I trust that God won't send me more than I can handle (no matter what my opinion may be).  The surgeon opens you up to perform radical surgery on you.  While He is in there, He sometimes takes the opportunity to work on bits that you didn't expect.  No worries, He is the master....

blessings on your day and on your weekend

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