Wednesday, February 20, 2008


I want to clarify an earlier post. I don't want anyone to think that I advocate the elimination or minimization of consequences. There are far reaching consequences to our actions - both good and sinful. Take my Christian business friends - the one will always have people reluctant to do business with him due to his rigid legalism and lack of grace; the other will not be trusted for a long time. Both made choices that will have lasting consequences.

I have learned this lesson myself (painfully at times). I will live the rest of my life with the consequences of some of my choices. One thing I have always tried to teach my children is that our choices effect the people around us. The disagreement between the men I talked about below has impacted the entire group (and I doubt that either of them fully realize it). The choices I have made impacted family and friends and continues to do so.

The ultimate measure of success is whether we recognize the consequences of our actions and learn to make different choices.


1 comment:

LL said...

It seems simple; unfortunately the concept the "consequence" has been (and continues to be) slowly removed from our society. It has been sad to watch it seep into our Christian communities.