Thursday, November 25, 2010

What Are You Thankful For?

There is so much to be thankful for in my life.  
  • I have been cancer free for 2 years now
  • We moved into a new home last month
  • I have 8 children, 3 "kid-in-laws", 1 grandson and the most amazing wife
  • I am employed at a thriving company
  • I live in a country where I can worship the way I want; have access to churches, teaching and radio ministries and can witness openly
  • We have never gone hungry, been homeless or suffered persecution
The list could be much larger of course.  I have great friends, wonderful family and the Hand of God in my life.  As we gather around the table this holiday season I want to remember that there are many here in this country and around the globe that have far less but are so much more grateful than we are.  Sometimes when we are so very blessed, we start to take those blessings for granted.  Take a few moments today to reflect on the Grace and Mercy of our Heavenly Father and remember.

blessings on your day

1 comment:

Gorges Smythe said...

Good post. I'm afraid thankfulness isn't very popular anymore.