Thursday, September 23, 2010

That's Cheating

Whether it is dieting, driving, doing our taxes, playing games or being in a relationship America is in an epidemic.  Finding someone who has never cheated in any way is, for all practical purposes, impossible in this country.  Is it any wonder that we - like Israel of old - cheat on God?

We are a people of divided loyalties.  We worship at the alter of Hollywood, Madison Avenue and the local Auto Mall.  We put the observance of the high holy days of "Superbowl-Sunday", "Opening Day" and "my kid's soccer game" ahead of Sunday worship.  We take our first fruits and invest in Coach, Nike and the house of Nordstrom rather than give to the church.  We compromise our politics, our principles and our morals on a daily basis.

We ignore sound doctrine and theology to chase after the lure of the Prosperity Preachers, the Feel-Good Crowd and the teachers who tell us we don't ever have to feel guilt, shame or accountability.

The time is coming when we will be called upon to choose.  Will we follow our Lord no matter what the cost or will we follow the crowd of comfort seekers and cheaters that seem to populate most of our world?

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