Monday, August 30, 2010

A Time To Rest

We have been on a dead run since the middle of May.  We put our house on the market and started the mad scramble and dance.  We rode the roller-coaster for months as we had good days and not so good days.  We watched offers come and go.  Sometimes we spent whole weekends dodging realtors and other weeks we saw no activity at all.  All during that time we toured new housing developments (17 in all) as well as existing homes (at least 50).  We put in offers on short sales; went down to the contracting stage with 3 different builders; fell in love with homes we could not buy; dealt with frustration, elation, despair and exhaustion.

Then came the day that we accepted (after negotiation) an offer on OUR house.  The intensity got ratcheted up by 200% over night.  We started packing, searching for a place to live, searching for a place to BUY, repairing flaws (at the insistence of the buyers) and scrambling to figure out what school Noah would attend.

We finally found a rental, started the process of buying a house 3 days prior to school starting.  This allowed us to get him enrolled (transfer out of Roseville, transfer IN to Rocklin, enroll in the new school less than 24 hours prior to starting).  The house we are buying was at a critical stage of construction and we have barely been able to keep up with choosing options in time to get them installed.  Tomorrow night we have to spend 3-4 hours and select all the tile, counter tops and flooring for the house.

Last weekend we filled a  24-foot truck TWICE with our belongings as we moved out (and cleaned) the house that has been our home for the last 11 years.

We need some time off very badly.  Hopefully this week is the last of the choices for the new house and we can spend some time just resting.

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