Thursday, May 27, 2010

What About Me?

The search and drive for autonomy consumes our society.  We believe that we deserve it all, that we have a right to happiness, that we should answer to no one and that we are allowed to do whatever we want "as long as it doesn't hurt anybody."  There are churches that teach that God wants to pour out riches on you, that God wants you to prosper (in this world), that God will heal anything at all if you "just have enough faith."

What a bunch of crap!  The truth is that the prosperity God promises us is in the eternal not the temporal (as is the healing).  The bible reminds us over and over that we are accountable to God and the people around us.  The Word states clearly that what we can expect are trials and temptations.   My parent's generation understood that you had to work hard for everything you wanted - that nothing came for free.  My generation understands this but imperfectly.  My children's generation seems to have no clue at all.

God wants us to be dependent on Him.  He wants to have control of our lives - to be involved in all our decisions and to get the credit for all the blessings.  When we surrender and give up on our quest for autonomy a lot of the stress and frustration fades.  When we realize that He does a much better job of managing our lives than we do we have the chance to truly understand what peace is.

Who is in charge of Your life?

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