Thursday, April 29, 2010

When Does It Start?

I was reading Genesis this morning and something struck me regarding the story of The Fall.  The capacity for sin (disobedience) was present in Man from the very beginning.  It is a part of our nature to question authority, consider temptations and listen to the whispers of the enemy.  Our reaction to this revelation is critical.  We have a choice - we can fall into despair and hopelessness as we are consumed by our failings or we can be filled with awe and wonder at the depth and complexity of God's plan of salvation.

How many of us would willing create something knowing it contained a critical flaw and knowing that we would eventually have to make the ultimate sacrifice to heal that flaw?  Yet this is exactly what God did.   I am humbled by the extent of His love for me - knowing who I am (and was to be), God chose to make the ultimate sacrifice anyway.  When Adam & Eve fell into sin, God already had a plan for their redemption that explicitly included redeeming ME.

blessings on your day

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