Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Lights!  Camera!  Action!

That cry is heard daily on the production sets of movies world wide.  The last step is "action."   This should be true of Christians as well.  We are to be doers of the Word and not just hearers.  Sunday after Sunday we sit and listen to the preacher.  We listen to radio ministries, read daily devotionals and promote Christian radio.

We are called by God - not to a sedentary lifestyle but to the battle.  We are in a war and at stake are the souls of the lost.  We have been enlisted, commissioned and given a plan.  Yet far too often we sit on the sidelines, content to be observers.  Oh some of us will teach a little Sunday School or maybe help with the offering at church, but what are we doing to further the Kingdom of God?  When was the last time you went head-to-head with the enemy for ownership of a soul?  When was the last time you stepped far outside your comfort zone to answer the call of God?   Who was the last person with whom you shared the Good News?

Get in the game, answer the bell, show some action.

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