Thursday, February 25, 2010

Good Morning

It has been an interesting month to be sure.  I apologize for posting little of any depth this month.  Things have calmed down a bit for us lately, which helps.  My son-in-law Andy has been writing a nice serious of devotions based on the Psalms.  I invite you to check it out (link to the left).

I really liked the VOTD from Air1 this morning.

"The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives."  Psalm 37:23, NLT

One thing I know from my own life that if you ask God for direction, He will provide it (although not always in the way we hope).  I also know that God can't direct our steps if our feet aren't moving.  Tuesday night I was putting in my prayer request to my men's group and the following analogy came to mind:  Being prepared by God for a ministry can be like standing on the salt flats of Nevada.  There are endless possibilities for travel in all directions.  The problem is that not all directions result in a destination.

Our lives are often like that.  We wander aimlessly through our lives with no sense of purpose or directions other than to make it to the end of the day, to the weekend or to retirement.  I am unwilling to wander aimlessly anymore.  It is time to pick a direction and start the journey.

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