Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Food For Thought

The below was the quote-of-the-day on my iGoogle homepage.  As a Libertarian and supporter of the Tea Party, I find this quote both interesting and disturbing.

You need only reflect that one of the best ways to get yourself a reputation as a dangerous citizen these days is to go about repeating the very phrases which our founding fathers used in the struggle for independence.
  - Charles Austin Beard

Every day the news brings one more indication that we have drifted far indeed from where this country started and the rate of "drift" seems to be increasing.   The other day I had the "privilege" of listening to an acquaintance attempt to persuade me that "giving up some liberties to increase our security/safety" was a good thing.  I was appalled and very discouraged.  The concept of personal liberty has degenerated into a squabble about "tolerance."  We look to the gubermint to define, control, feed, clothe and heal us.   We demand that "something be done" about every issue without regard to common sense, the Constitution or civil liberties.  We insist that the gubermint protect us from our own ignorance and stupidity and that they take over the job of raising our children.

The latest article in the paper this morning mentions in passing that people are leaving congress in droves due quite frankly to the inability to make any significant difference or to even have any impact at all.  The author missed the obvious conclusion - we have become a nation of the trivial and insignificant.  A nation that avoids responsibility, morality and involvement.

Pray for our country

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