Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Sins of the Father

Last night I met with one of my recovery groups.  During the study and discussion, we started talking about our children and which ones also had addiction issues.  I was amazed and dismayed to see how many of the men had adult children who shared their addiction.  Again and again we hear the stories about children whose lives are destroyed by the sins of their parents.  Our children inherit the bad along with the good - in fact, they seem to acquire the "bad" much more readily than the good.   This is true even when the bad stuff is carefully, meticulously hidden from them.

Telling them what is right simply doesn't work.  If we don't model it (and that rigidly), they aren't going to pick up the good parts.  We can't teach one thing and live another - no matter HOW careful and sincere we appear to be.  What is hidden in the darkness will always be revealed in the light.

What legacy are you leaving YOUR children?

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