Tuesday, November 3, 2009

De die in diem

Literally, from day to day.  Often this is how we live our lives.  I know that I have taken this as a motto for most of my 50+ years.   So easy to live for the moment without consideration for the long term consequences (let's admit it - damage).   It seems that this is one of the hardest lessons for people to learn.  We hammer on it with our children but often ignore it ourselves.

We often hear the phrase "experience is the best teacher" but that really isn't the truth.  Other people's experience would be a MUCH better teacher.  The problem is that was are rarely willing to listen and learn from the mistakes of others (let's face it, we can't even learn from our OWN mistakes).  Why is it so hard to learn and to make better (or at least different) choices?  

More on this later...

~Dum vita est spes est ~

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