Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Sure has been a long spell on the blog front. The last couple of weeks have been rough in a number of ways - not the least is that work has demanded my full attention during the day (the nerve).

On the update front - did I tell you that the mustang needs a new clutch (and sundry)? Go figure, who would have thought that a muscle car owned by a teenage boy would wear out a clutch :p

This weekend we are spending a few days up in Tahoe at the Fantasy Inn ( -> the hyphen is REALLY important :p

Brian (with an I) is heading to FL to spend a little time with his mom. Pop and the UK crowd all got home safely. It is too bad that Rae & Andy were not able to spend more time in Roseville, but all things considered it was understandable.

ok, more stuff later

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