Wednesday, March 19, 2008


I am starting to feel it from the painting. I painted for about 3 1/2 hours last night. It isn't the actual painting as much as the odd and bizarre positions I have to put my body into to reach the areas that need painting. I did all the edge work for the accent color, added some more texture and worked on the kitchen edge work. After looking at it, E thinks that maybe we should use the accent color in some of the small walls in the kitchen :) I think that would look nice (if I have enough of the semi-gloss).

Tonight I will get SE set up on baseboards (assuming that she is home). The dinner experiment last night turned out very well. A shame I didn't write down what I did, eh? Tonight is London Broil with some as-yet-to-be-determined sides.

Still in class at work today so my postings will be light and quick.

Blessings on your day.


Unknown said...

I enjoy painting, but you can do the inside work yourself. I'm an outside painter.

The Wizard said...

See I always do the inside stuff and hire for the outside :)