Friday, March 7, 2008

Of Mice and Menus

I know how eagerly some of you wait for me to post the menu for the evening so here it is:

BBQ boneless pork ribs
Sam's Club red potato salad

Now that the menu is out of the way, we can get down to the real issues at hand. We have a wireless mouse & keyboard combo on our home 'puter. I don't know who designs these things but they obviously have access to an unlimited supply of batteries. The mouse consumes them almost as fast as the Wii controllers. The keyboard can go for 6 months or better. The mouse barely makes it 6 weeks. Phew! AM I glad to get THAT off my chest!

It will be just the boys for dinner tonight as E is working and SE is having diner with her SO and his parents (down in Benicia, which, BTW is NOT in my spell check dictionary). Hopefully by the time I get home all the rock (2 yards of 1 1/4 inch salt and pepper landscaping in case anyone cares) will have been transported to the backyard by a Herculean effort on the part of AR. (He mowed the lawn yesterday, it is REALLY nice to have a teenage boy in the house again. He is a great kid and an enormous help around the house.)

I will be taking dinner into the hospital for E tonight as well.


Ashley Michelle said...

I hear ya on all the wireless contraptions & batteries. At my old job they would stop working right in the middle of a transaction or postage label. It's really annoying. Trying to get them connected again after you change the batteries is just as bad. I feel better now too. :)

LL said...


"I know how eagerly some of you wait for me to post the menu for the evening so here it is"

I don't like wireless mice or keyboards. Granted, I don't really anything "techie" ~ I still haven't warmed up to automatic windows in a car.

The Wizard said...

I understand. E is "anti-tech" for the most part. She would be fine if the world took about a 40 year step back in time. I have found that many of the best nurses and doctors are like this.