Friday, February 15, 2008

Almost the weekend

So what plans do y’all have for the weekend? I am hoping to reclaim enough floor space in the garage to do a little wood-working. I bought parts for a wine rack at Ikea a couple of weeks ago and would like to start finishing it. The pieces need a lot of sanding before I stain them. It will go into a cutout in the dining room. Originally that room was the family room and there was a combined formal dining room/living room. We moved the entertainment center into the bigger room and moved the dining room furniture into the old family room. This left us with the cutouts in what was now the dining room. I have had a vision for a wine rack in that spot for a while now.

The little boy (NO) didn’t go to school today due to a fever and barking like a frog (which is like a barking seal but higher pitched on account of having smaller lungs). SE left this morning to go down to Clovis to visit her mum, step-dad and siblings. If I get the chance I want to see if I can find that CD by Alison Krauss and Robert Plant called “Raising Sand” ( Interesting blend of head-banger and bluegrass.

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