Excerpt from an article in the Sac Bee this morning:
Scott Eckern, artistic director for the California Musical Theatre, resigned Wednesday as a growing number of artists threatened to boycott the organization because of his $1,000 donation to the campaign to ban gay marriage in California.
A little background is probably in order for those that are not native to CA or privy to it's recent election. Several elections ago, the voters of CA passed a measure that defined marriage as between "a man and a woman." Earlier this year the CA supreme court ruled that this initiative violated the state constitution. Supports of the original measure got together and submitted a proposition to the voters that would amend the state constitution to echo the original measure. This proposition (#8 on the ballot) passed by 52% to 48% following a very volatile campaign (very heated on both sides).
Prop 8 was supported AND opposed by many groups and individuals (including churches, civic groups, corporate entities and public figures). A lot of rhetoric spewed forth and there were picketers at every major intersection. Both sides called for boycotts of companies that were on the other side of the issue (which side is the "other" depends on your point of view).
Mr Eckern, because of his religious beliefs, contributed to the support of Prop 8 from his personal funds. Today he is out of a job and has been blacklisted by an entire industry. Opponents of Prop 8 have published on a website, an extensive list of contributors to the "Yes on 8" campaign.
At what point does this become persecution? At what point does this become a Hate Crime? How far does our freedom of speech take us in the USA? Let me know what you think....
I wrote a nice long explanation and then accidentally erased it. sigh.
So long story short, everyone is hating on everyone... a big hypocritical game. We should be able to believe, protest, and vote on our foundation without hate for each other.
Posting on the Otto site...WOW!! The man should not have lost his job because of a vote he made. I would think he could take some course of action. Did he quit or was he asked to resign? At any rate it is not a "hate crime." If the gays working at the theater had tied him to the back of their Miata and towed him around town -- that would be a hate crime.
On a personal note, I voted NO because I do believe it's a Cival Rights issue. I'm not "pro-gay" just someone who believes in the constitution and the civil liberties it provides us all. Let's hope in another lifetime it will allow a man and a women to "marry."
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