We finished our season at 7-3 with a rather sloppy loss to Rocklin H.S. It was easy to see that the team was not really committed to the game. We had far too many penalties and turnovers. On the plus side, Andrew got almost 100 yards on 5 or so receptions with a touchdown. We start the playoffs this Friday with a game at home against Rosemont.
Details for Friday's game? When and where?
Snyder is still winning in playoffs. I don't know when the next playoff game is. Hope you get to feeling better!
The game starts at 7:30 and is at RHS. Parking is going to be ugly, I am sure. Gates open at 6:30 so we might want to show up then to get seats. Tickets will be $9 (set by the league) and I am not sure about the price for the kidlets.
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