Why is it that the gubermint is so afraid of acknowledging what is happening to our economy? Months ago people were saying we were in a recession yet it has only been very recently that the "officials" cautiously suggested we might be in a recession.
The latest jobless figures, stock market numbers and drop in imports paints a far bleaker picture. Everywhere I look I see people battening down the hatches, closing the storm windows and preparing to weather the blizzard.
There has been countless articles published placing blame on various agencies, lack of oversight and mis-management. We have heard about corporate greed and malfeasance, inept fund managers and congressional bribery. While all of this is certainly true, the root cause, I believe, runs much deeper.
The baby boomer generation is shallow, self-centered and hedonistic. Today we are reaping the harvest that we have been planting for the last 40 years. Will it get better? Sure - for a little while, but until we as a nation wake up to the foundational elements that are corrupted or flat out missing, we are doomed to repeat this cycle.
The sad (and yes terrifying) part is that our children will take this to the next level. Not content with hedonism they are descending into pure narcissism. For an excellent article on all of this, click HERE.
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