The above picture (by
Robbie, check out his photography site to the left) spoke to me this morning. Thorns, whether natural or man-made, present barriers to progress. When presented with a hedge of thorns, a casual hiker will turn aside. When presented with a barbed-wire fence, animals will turn aside.
We all encounter thorns in our lives - barriers to progress. Sometimes these barriers are built by circumstances and other times as a result of our own words and actions. The interesting thing about these types of barriers is that they won't stop anyone who is determined enough. If you doubt this, watch a bear pick berries sometime or extract honey from a hive - bees are mobile thorns; read up on the Lance Armstrong and other survivors of tragedy or disease.
The problem of course is persevering through the barrier. It is much easier to simply turn aside than to push through the thorns and endure the (potentially very severe) pain. I understand that *
your* pain is intense and can
NOT be faced (it is always easier when we talk about the pain others feel and avoid touching our own). I also know that if I don't face my own pain and push past it (no matter what the risk), I will lose out on enormous opportunities for God to bless me.
My tendency is to run from my pain - to turn aside at the thorns. Over the years this has cost me treasures beyond measure. What thorns are there in your life? What pain must be faced and overcome? What must you
risk to get through the wall of thorns (we know there is no gain without risk)?
Will you run (like I have most of my life) or will you join me in committing to pushing through the thorns?
blessings on your day