That was the topic of an email devotional I got today. While the discussion by the author was of Job, I was immediately struck by how relevant the question is in today's society. We have become so enamored by our own power, intelligence and technology that we don't seem to have any use for an all-powerful Creator in our lives.
It is easy to keep God in a box and drag Him out for special events and Sundays. We leave Him home when we go to work, the game or on vacation. He stays on the shelf while we flirt in the office, fudge on our taxes and make that illegal U-turn.
We trust Him to heal us when the doctors can't but won't trust Him to with our finances. We talk about Him as the author of creation but fail to see His hand in our lives when we lose our job. God is as big as you let Him be. Maybe it is time to open our eyes a bit wider.
If God is big enough to be God on Sundays, shouldn't He be God during the week as well?
blessings on your day
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