Got home last night and joined the neighbors on the driveway for a bit. No one has seen Jack-Sean for quite a while and we were speculating on his whereabouts. While we were gossiping about the neighbors that were absent, NoDogs decided to see how those disposable ice-packs worked. I won't go into details other than to say he applied it in an unusual location.
E was driving a Ford Taurus as her car was getting the clear-coat reapplied (last bit of unresolved repair following the accident a while back).
I kicked up the workout schedule a notch and am going 5 days a week now. I tell people it is because I feel better when I exercise but in reality I am too undisciplined to take days off between workouts. It is actually easier to set the alarm and get up every day. That way this is less temptation to hit the snooze button.
Footnote to Sue-Anne, I can see how people get addicted to exercise. I find myself wishing I had more time in the morning at the gym.
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