Somehow we seem to think that we can let go and coast for a while. We think that we are "owed" a vacation and a time of rest. We buy into the idea that we work for so long and then get to retire. God's Word tells us that this isn't so. Over and over Paul reminds us that we need to finish the WHOLE race - that we need to run all the way so we can win the prize (prizes and rewards are an entirely different study).
The writer of Hebrews addresses this many times as well (in fact the book can be taken as written specifically to this issue). Our time of rest is after we leave this world. Until then we are promised trials, toils and struggles.
Is there joy? Yes! Is there peace? Yes! But if we don't finish well, they have no value.
Blessings on your day
Hebrews 12
Jesus, the Example
1 Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Thanks for the comment! Blessings as you serve the King!
Very, very tired tonight.
Running the race can definitely be exhausting. Just like David, there have been plenty of times when I cry out for rest. Our God is so faithful and perhaps we need to be reminded. In those times of exhaustion, He faithfully pours out His Spirit and blesses us with refreshment and renewal. For me, it's a matter of asking long before I reach the point of exhaustion. The need to continually ask for refreshment and renewal even when I *feel* fine.
Excellent suggestion, sister
"Come to me all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest." Matthew 11v28
I have learned a lot lately that when we are tired and weary from trial, God promises rest. I have clung to his verse lately in the stress and strain of life and have discovered a new understanding of it. Though God promises "rest" he does not promise to take away trials even temporarily so that I may find rest, instead, he allows for me to have a new perspective. When we focus on Him, seeking rest, we are no longer focusing on ourselves and trying to do things in our own strength. He allows for us to recieve rest in climbing up into the Father's lap and resting in his love, grace, and Sovereignty. Knowing he is in control gives us blessed assureance and rest that cannot be found elsewhere.
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