Thursday, April 3, 2008

Update on dad

[Received in email]

Hi kids,

Thought we’d update you on the Dr.’s appointment. I saw an “Electrophysiologist” this morning. He specializes in dealing with the electrical side of the hearts functioning. [?] Anyway he talked about what could have been the cause of my little episode. Very enlightening and understandable. It has to do with standing in one spot without moving around, which what I was doing that day. As we get older, we apparently lose the function of certain nerves in our heart muscle and the blood settles into the lower extremities and the brain gets “short of blood” which may cause a light-headed condition or even loss of conscientiousness. This is what I was nearing. On April 18 2008 I will be taking a “Tilt Table Test” which will try to stimulate the condition under controlled conditions. That should be interesting. I will get the results on April 23rd.. In the mean time Dr. Kim feels I CAN DRIVE so we are heading for Arizona tomorrow morning.

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