It is late and the house is very quiet. Everyone is in bed, dishwasher is unloaded, kitchen cleaned up and stuff ready for the morning. SE made breaded pork chops for dinner. AR asked his friend to prom (wrote PROM?" on the car window. Went to pick her up with the window down. When she came out he had a single rose waiting for her and rolled up the window.) and, BTW, to be his official girlfriend :) They went miniature golfing and had dinner at the Paradise Grill. Afterwards they picked up another friend and hanged out (is that even a word?) in the hot tub.
Tomorrow the cleaning people come for the first time in a month. E will be glad to get things deep cleaned. E is working all weekend so I have no idea what dinner will look like tomorrow. The picture above is Liam sitting in his wagon eating candy on Easter Saturday.
It's "hung"; "hung out". Goofy looking word, isn't it?
Thanks :P :P
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