Saturday, April 3, 2010


Today is a day of waiting.  The time between the cross and the resurrection must have been the deepest, blackest time the disciples ever experienced.  From our vantage point, 2,000 years later we know it was simply the quiet time preceding the most important event since the creation of the world.  Tomorrow many of us will spend the day going to church and being with our families.  Most churches use Easter (and Christmas) as a time of evangelizing as they know all too well that there are many in their congregation that won't step foot inside a church again until the next major holiday.

We will be going over to my parents for dinner after church (and the egg hunt) to spend time with part of our family.  While I miss being with my children, I also recognize that sometimes you need to do what is right rather than what you want.

Today I will be working in the yard (weather permitting) and trying to get my garden started.  Somehow preparing the ground for new life seems like the right thing to do the day before we celebrate Easter.

may you have a blessed day

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