Friday, April 2, 2010

Travel Lightly

Every day we make choices.  Some choices change our lives - do I marry, do I go to college, do I join the military.  Some choices carry great risk - do I drive after all I had to drink, do I accept that job in another state, do I sign up for the experimental cancer treatment.  Some choices are trivial - black socks or white, mocha or latte, Pepsi or Coke.  Some choices can seem important - Republican or Democrat, Red Sox or Yankees, butter or margarine.  Some choices have grave consequences - follow Jesus or the world, surrender to temptation or stay pure.   Regardless of the choice, one thing I have found to be true is that when we fail to correctly identify the importance of the choice, we can no longer "travel lightly."

Jesus knew how to travel lightly.  He took what He needed and left the rest behind.  Jesus assigned importance to things, place and decisions that were appropriate.  He wasn't bogged down by useless possessions, encumbered by trivia or obsessed by current events.  He recognized that God is in control and never took His eyes off the goal.  Along His journey, Jesus took time to love and minister to people.  He took the time to teach and disciple.   Jesus knew when to rest, relax and enjoy friends as well as when it was time to roll up His sleeves and get the job done.  He was always listening for His Father's voice.  Jesus knew how to travel lightly.

Today is the day we remember the cross.  Today is the day we remember His sacrifice and death.  Today is a day that is often somber and introspective.  Today is day for quiet reflection and prayer.  Today is a day to remember that we too, must travel lightly.

blessings on your day

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