Friday, March 26, 2010


Seeing as how it is closing in on Easter, I thought the following quote might be apprpriate for discussion

      The truth does not change according to our ability to stomach it.  - Flannery O'Connor

It is similar to Pilate's question as recorded in the Gospels when he snapped back at Jesus "What is truth?!"   God deals in absolutes which often offends people.  Our culture would take O'Connor's quote and invert it (the truth ALWAYS changes....).  The answer from the current generation to Pilate might be "truth can be whatever you want it to be."

Truth isn't mutable nor is it relative.  It doesn't change depending on the person or circumstances.  Truth is an absolute.  It is common for us to run up against "truths" that are uncomfortable or even down-right painful.  We are confronted with the Word and want to argue that it doesn't apply in our situation or circumstance (or even to US at all).  I have struggled with this on more than one occasion and I know many others that have as well.  There are Truths in God's Word that force us to examine our priorities, our actions or even who we are.

Sometimes I find myself broken and bleeding as a result - other times I try to hide and pretend the hard Truths don't exist.  Long term, the former is of more value than the latter.  At least if I break, I can heal, mend and change.  Turning your back on the Truth is never a good idea.  I have been very fortunate that my God doesn't give up on me and waits patiently for me to unstop my ears, turn and embrace the Truth no matter how painful.

Today I embraced a painful truth - there are some environments that are too stressful and painful for me to spend much time in.   Sometimes you can jump in an ice-cold lake, splash around briefly and climb out without taking any lasting harm.  But jumping into that same lake and trying to swim across it may result in hypothermia, cramps and even death.  So after careful consideration I have decided that we won't be spending the Easter holiday in Clovis.   Someday when I am stronger and healthier, I may be able to make a different choice.

blessings on your day

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are going to be more than fine. Sounds like you are making decisions that are best for you at this time. Keep breathing and know you have friends that are praying for you.