Thursday, March 25, 2010

Status Check

The last few weeks have been a severe test of my resolve as well as a huge struggle.  Sometimes when you are on the battlefield, it is tough to focus on the long term goals or even recognize who the enemy truly is.  There are still a lot of things that are left to be dealt with - a few of them pretty significant.  As I confront these "biggies" I find that I withdraw and bring back out the masks.   What I am discovering is that the process of trying to hide from the pain weakens my defenses and lets the enemy through my walls.  The end result is a time of fierce struggle.

The solution, of course, is to meet the issues head on and work/walk through them.  Yeah, easier said than done, eh?   I know that there are some of you out there reading this that have struggles and pain in your life as well.  Part of growing, it seems, means spending a lot of time in the refiner's fire.  Being purged and purified is oh so painful.  The need to step out of the fire, turn my back and shout "no more!" is overwhelming at times.  At the same time I know in my heart that this is necessary.  Health, healing and maturity don't come for free and I know that my Lord will provide the strength and resolve that I need to continue this journey.

blessings on your day

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