Wednesday, March 31, 2010


"Live a life filled with love for others, following the example of Christ, who loved you and gave himself as a sacrifice to take away your sins. And God was pleased, because that sacrifice was like sweet perfume to him."
Ephesians. 5:2, NLT

Damage vs. Damaged

I was talking to Pastor Tim last night and the topic of "damaged people" came up.  He made a point that I thought was interesting.  He cautioned me to avoid using the term damaged and suggested that I simply say that there is damage.  The difference is that to call someone damaged is to imply a degree of permanence.  It also can imply that the person is in some way defective.  Both are, of course, not true for the Christian.  Jesus provides healing for our heart and soul and only our rewards in heaven are permanently part of us.

Before I forget, we found an egg hunt for Easter for Noah.  The Ridge Church (our church) is having one after the service Sunday (yes, it would have been nice if they had publicized this :P )  Hopefully the weather is nicer than the current forecast.

Anyway, I have decided that while I have hurts and have taken damage (some caused by others and quite a lot caused by my own choices), I am not damaged.

blessings on your day

Sacred Marriage

We started reading the book Sacred Marriage last night.   What a great book this is :o)   A warning though, it isn't for those who are looking for light, fluffy or easy.  The premise of the book is "What If God Designed Marriage to Make Us Holy More Than to Make Us Happy?"

This a radical concept even among the most mature Christians.  The book starts by examining the idea that Hollywood promotes regarding the whole "love is a feeling and romance is the cornerstone."   As we work through the book (I freely admit this one will take us awhile), I will share snippets and concepts as well as provide a regular review of the material.  We will probably start the books by Barbara Wilson (a local from Bayside Church in Granite Bay) next.  She wrote a couple of excellent books dealing with breaking free from bondage and restoring intimacy in the marriage.

What is on YOUR reading list?

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Turn Around

I started commenting on one of Andy's posts (see link to the right) and decided the topic was worthy of more than just a comment.

Andy wrote: "See it isn't the outward obedience, its a heart issue"

Yeah, that is always the case. There are many Christians that look good on the outside. They stand in the assembly, serve in the church and are praised by their peers. Yet they do it only for recognition and acclaim.  It is about looking good, maintaining the image, the status and sadly, feeling good about themselves.  Of them, Jesus will say on the last day "I never knew you."

It is far easier to change the outward appearance than to work a genuine and lasting change in the heart. This requires surrender which is something many Christians just can't do.  I have struggled with this for years.  I have looked good on the outside while the inside was rotting.  Now I am starting to turn that inside out.  As I become transparent and genuine, my outside looks rotten.  At the same time, my heart is undergoing restoration, renewal and rebirth.  I find that some people pull back and withdraw in the face of my revelations while some step forward and embrace me.  Regardless of the reaction, I choose to continue this journey.

I also recognize that I have far indeed yet to travel.  Some days the heart change drives my decisions - other days it seems like my old heart is back.   Through it all, however, I refuse to surrender.   I give you the lyrics to my (current) favorite Skillet song - Awake and Alive

I’m awake I’m alive
Now I know what I believe inside
Now it’s my time
I’ll do what I want ’cause this is my life
here, right now
I’ll stand my ground and never back down
I know what I believe inside
I’m awake and I’m alive

Monday, March 29, 2010


I feel like I am wandering aimlessly today.   I look back and list out what I have accomplished and I was actually fairly productive but at the same time I know I can do better.  I researched the book I mentioned below and it is actually cheaper on B&N (eBook) than anywhere else so I may just go ahead and download it to my Nook.  I need to leave in a little bit and go pick up Noah.  He spent the day with my mom & dad today.  My men's group has moved to Mondays for a while (Rich is taking salsa lessons on Tuesdays) so will have to stay on task and get the boy his allergy shots before dinner.

Still haven't found an Easter Egg hunt that we can attend.  Since we canceled the Clovis trip we are suddenly without plans (at least plans that include finding eggs).  I am looking forward to starting the book tonight when I get home (if Emma is still up).

Have a good evening, keep looking up and we will chat again tomorrow.

New Look

I was playing with the blogger templates Friday.  I get bored with things (especially techie things) and decided it was time for a change.   After changing the page design a dozen times, I settled on this one.  Let me know what you think. 

We had a nice weekend and got quite a lot done around the house.  The lawns got edged mowed and fertilized and the garage got straightened, organized and cleaned.   I still haven't got the garden planted yet, hopefully I can get tomatoes in the ground next Saturday.

Sunday we had out last care group session for the current study.  We will reconvene in 3 weeks for a potluck and to kick off a new study.  I think Emma and I are going to do Sacred Marriage on our own in the meantime.   The service Sunday was really good, love hearing Tim preach.  I need to find someplace that has an Easter Egg hunt this year as our church doesn't have their own facility and is probably a little small and  new to do that yet.

Emma spent some time on the 'puter trying to see if we can get Pop out here for a couple of weeks in June.  Airfare has really gone up this year, it is almost impossible to go anywhere on the east coast for less than $350.

This week the rain is back which is definitely a mixed blessing.   While we need the water and it is nice that no games will be rained out it is going to drive all the kids indoors for spring break.  I hope you all have a blessed day.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Untie Me!

As the regular reader is aware, I am going through a daily "survival" calender my kids gave me for Christmas.  I have learned all sorts of things so far - like how to get away from an alligator and all about piranhas.

Today I learned How To Escape When Tied Up.  I have to admit, as a fan of the crime/action shows, I can see how this would be useful.  While I certainly am not planning to get tied up soon, if any terrorists ever kidnap me, I am ready :D


Seeing as how it is closing in on Easter, I thought the following quote might be apprpriate for discussion

      The truth does not change according to our ability to stomach it.  - Flannery O'Connor

It is similar to Pilate's question as recorded in the Gospels when he snapped back at Jesus "What is truth?!"   God deals in absolutes which often offends people.  Our culture would take O'Connor's quote and invert it (the truth ALWAYS changes....).  The answer from the current generation to Pilate might be "truth can be whatever you want it to be."

Truth isn't mutable nor is it relative.  It doesn't change depending on the person or circumstances.  Truth is an absolute.  It is common for us to run up against "truths" that are uncomfortable or even down-right painful.  We are confronted with the Word and want to argue that it doesn't apply in our situation or circumstance (or even to US at all).  I have struggled with this on more than one occasion and I know many others that have as well.  There are Truths in God's Word that force us to examine our priorities, our actions or even who we are.

Sometimes I find myself broken and bleeding as a result - other times I try to hide and pretend the hard Truths don't exist.  Long term, the former is of more value than the latter.  At least if I break, I can heal, mend and change.  Turning your back on the Truth is never a good idea.  I have been very fortunate that my God doesn't give up on me and waits patiently for me to unstop my ears, turn and embrace the Truth no matter how painful.

Today I embraced a painful truth - there are some environments that are too stressful and painful for me to spend much time in.   Sometimes you can jump in an ice-cold lake, splash around briefly and climb out without taking any lasting harm.  But jumping into that same lake and trying to swim across it may result in hypothermia, cramps and even death.  So after careful consideration I have decided that we won't be spending the Easter holiday in Clovis.   Someday when I am stronger and healthier, I may be able to make a different choice.

blessings on your day

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Status Check

The last few weeks have been a severe test of my resolve as well as a huge struggle.  Sometimes when you are on the battlefield, it is tough to focus on the long term goals or even recognize who the enemy truly is.  There are still a lot of things that are left to be dealt with - a few of them pretty significant.  As I confront these "biggies" I find that I withdraw and bring back out the masks.   What I am discovering is that the process of trying to hide from the pain weakens my defenses and lets the enemy through my walls.  The end result is a time of fierce struggle.

The solution, of course, is to meet the issues head on and work/walk through them.  Yeah, easier said than done, eh?   I know that there are some of you out there reading this that have struggles and pain in your life as well.  Part of growing, it seems, means spending a lot of time in the refiner's fire.  Being purged and purified is oh so painful.  The need to step out of the fire, turn my back and shout "no more!" is overwhelming at times.  At the same time I know in my heart that this is necessary.  Health, healing and maturity don't come for free and I know that my Lord will provide the strength and resolve that I need to continue this journey.

blessings on your day

Catching up

I haven't posted for a few days so I will try to catch y'all up on my life  :)

Noah's team won their 3rd game Tuesday night.  They are starting to look pretty solid.  We don't play again until Saturday which will give them time to rest up and get some practices in.

I was out of work yesterday as the boy didn't feel well.  Got a call from the school about 10 and had to go pick him up.  Whatever it was, it passed quickly as he felt a lot better by lunch time.  I got a replacement Nook yesterday as well.  My first one developed a crack in the case.  B&N did pretty well with their warranty service.  :o)

Emma still doesn't feel great, she has had a sore throat for a week now plus she had the team from hell yesterday at work.

Now I need to catch up on email and review my task list for the day.  May your day be blessed

Monday, March 22, 2010

Our First Win

The Red Sox won Saturday night 13-12 (they called the game as soon as the winning run crossed the plate).  I worked Saturday night and it was ugly.  Was online off and on most of the night.  It took until 1 pm Sunday before my colleague and I stabilized the systems.  It made Sunday a bit surreal as I was running on almost no sleep at all.

Emma is working on coordinating Easter in Clovis this year.   Aaron volunteered to host it at his townhouse even though he has no furniture (actually, that may be a good thing).  We have our 3rd game tomorrow night and then we play again on Thursday.  This time of year is very busy for us as we are out of the house 5-6 nights a week until baseball season finishes in early June.

And I choose not to say anything about Federally Funded (with my tax dollars) health care

Friday, March 19, 2010

Quiet Days

It has been quiet and peaceful so far today at work.  Last night Noah had his first game where, unfortunately, we got beat by the Giant's.  Noah did well behind the plate but only got one "at-bat" during the game.  Saturday night we play late (7:30) so will be bundling up to stay warm.  Later in the year we will really enjoy having games under the lights after the sun goes down and the temperatures cool off.

This weekend is supposed to be nice so I will take advantage and start working on the garden  :o)  Noah has pictures Sunday after church for his team (during the middle of P's b-day party - go figure).

I will try to pop in over the weekend and let you know how the game goes.

blessing on your day

Thursday, March 18, 2010

He Promised

God's promises never fail - we are told this time and again in the Word.  Yet this is one of the easiest things to forget.  When circumstances don't go the way we hope/plan/desire, we can lose sight of God's promises.  When we are in the midst of the fire or in a trial it is easy to lose hope and give in to despair.  The promises of God can, at times, seem out of reach - the result of a pipe dream or fantasy.  Yet we are told over and over that He always keeps His Word and that His promises never, ever fail.

Sometimes we doubt - we doubt the "plan," the promise or even that God is paying attention.  One of the reasons for this might be feeling uncertain regarding God's plan and promises.  For many of the situations that arise in our lives, God's plan, purpose and promises are actually quite clear.  His Word sets forth His Will quite distinctly if we take the time to read and study it.

For me, the issue comes down to one of faith and of timing.  I either have a hard time trusting - or more commonly - I feel like God isn't paying attention.  Things are not moving as fast as I like, in the direction I like or in the way that I like.  As a result I start feeling that God isn't listening or that His promises don't apply to me or my situation.  But I know (in my head)  that this simply isn't true.  Moving that belief from my head to my heart is a task that seems to be beyond my ability most days.  Fortunately God doesn't need our cooperation in order to keep His promises - no matter what our heart tells us, His promises NEVER fail.

"Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise."  Hebrews 10:23, NLT

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Fill It Fast

On occasion, I have built, created or re-organized to generate additional storage - usually with a specific purpose in mind.  One thing I have noticed is always true; if you don't use the storage immediately for what it was intended, it quickly fills up with other things.  This holds true whether it is the new shelf you built in the garage to hold paint cans, the cupboard you cleared out to hold Tupperware or the spot in your closet for your tee-shirts.

The same holds true in our hearts, minds and souls.  There is a "God-shaped" hole in our hearts.  We need to keep it filled up with the things of God.  If we don't, we start to accumulate other things there - possessions, relationships, hobbies or even addictions.  Sometimes we recognize this and take steps to "clean it out" and restore it to the intended purpose.  But if we don't make it a priority to keep it filled with the things of God, it quickly refills with the stuff you just took out (and more).

Luke 11:24-26 “When an evil spirit leaves a person, it goes into the desert, searching for rest. But when it finds none, it says, ‘I will return to the person I came from.’ So it returns and finds that its former home is all swept and in order. Then the spirit finds seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they all enter the person and live there. And so that person is worse off than before.”

Erin Go Bragh!

Happy St. Patrick's Day, my friends, family and casual readers  :)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Lights!  Camera!  Action!

That cry is heard daily on the production sets of movies world wide.  The last step is "action."   This should be true of Christians as well.  We are to be doers of the Word and not just hearers.  Sunday after Sunday we sit and listen to the preacher.  We listen to radio ministries, read daily devotionals and promote Christian radio.

We are called by God - not to a sedentary lifestyle but to the battle.  We are in a war and at stake are the souls of the lost.  We have been enlisted, commissioned and given a plan.  Yet far too often we sit on the sidelines, content to be observers.  Oh some of us will teach a little Sunday School or maybe help with the offering at church, but what are we doing to further the Kingdom of God?  When was the last time you went head-to-head with the enemy for ownership of a soul?  When was the last time you stepped far outside your comfort zone to answer the call of God?   Who was the last person with whom you shared the Good News?

Get in the game, answer the bell, show some action.

What If?

What if God's plan is different from your preferences?  I think that phrase crystallizes the fears of many Christians.  We have an agenda, dreams, desires and plans.   We know what we want out of life and we know how we prefer to live that life.  The bible relates story after story of those whose lives were turned upside down by God and His calling.  We have been conditioned by society to feel that we are entitled - entitled to luxury, to entertainment, to a life of hedonism, to happiness, to a career, to retirement (see earlier post on this topic).  We know that the Word says that what we can expect are trials, persecution and pain.  Yet we also see joy, contentment, peace, blessing and prosperity in the Word.

So why are we afraid?  Ultimately it comes down to selfishness and greed.  We want to be in control of our lives.  We want it all and we want it now, as the saying goes.  We want to be safe, secure and comfortable.  We fear what God will ask of us - where He will send us.  We ignore the fact that those God uses, He also blesses (although not usually by the world's standards and not always in this life).  We lose sight of what is eternal and what is temporal.

In the end, we have to decide whether or not we are willing to be used by God and whether we are willing to answer His call.   The choice is ours - He never forces us.

Great Things

I have been heard complaining lately that "this is too hard, I can't do it" when asked about how my recovery is going.  I have heard similar things from many, many others.   I have heard it at baseball practice, music practice, while homework is being done or a project is being attempted.  It was probably heard at the building of the pyramids, while digging the Panama Canal and around the camp where the Ark was being assembled.

It was also spoken in the garden at Gethsemane the night before Jesus went to the cross.

Nothing of worth or greatness is accomplished without sacrifice.  The greater the work or the task, the greater the sacrifice that will be needed.  Recently I have sacrificed relationships (that were not healthy), my time, my energy, my evenings and to some extent - my family.  The biggest sacrifice, perhaps, has been my ego and my pride.  I recognize that there is a potential for great things to come out of my recovery and that God is preparing to use me.  I know that without sacrifice, I will not succeed or survive.  It isn't easy and it will never be trivial.  It is painful, tedious and difficult.  Dying to self, giving up the things that hold us back (which are ALWAYS dear to our heart) and paying the price are all part of growing, healing and building.  When I stop sacrificing and start holding on to myself is when I fail.

What is God asking you to sacrifice in your journey?


Many of us look forward to the day we can retire.  The plans for after retirement vary from traveling to playing golf to doing nothing.  Interestingly enough, the bible has no mention of people retiring.  Instead, the Word is replete with examples of individuals who worked every day of their lives, often taking on new tasks or "careers" as they aged.  My favorite story is about Caleb who was well into his 80's when Israel finally entered the Promised Land.   When the time came to divide up the land, Caleb asked for the hill country where there were "large fortifications" as his inheritance.  He then proceeded to cleanse the land of Hebron at age 85.

My father in law is of the same mindset.  He has "retired" from numerous careers and has continued to work his entire life.  Our lives are not over until God calls us home.  I don't know what ministry God will have for me when I reach my 80's but I know that I need to be ready, able and willing to take on whatever tasks, careers or callings He places on my heart.

blessings on your day

Monday, March 15, 2010


Today my survival calendar had a list of bugs you can eat in an emergency.   As a general rule, I prefer to hope and pray I am never in the position of having to try any of them.

Are You a Slave?

I have been listening to Romans on my iPod this morning.  What a powerful letter Paul wrote!  One of the things that he says here is stuck in my head.  Paul states emphatically that we will all be slaves to something/someone.  We bind ourselves to God or we are bound by sin (and our sinful nature).  I am reminded of Dylan's song Gotta Serve Somebody.  The truth is that we will end up serving and in slavery one way or another.  All too often we choice "autonomy" which means we end up a slave to our sinful nature.

As an addict, I have traveled that road many times.  It is hugely destructive not just to myself, but to everyone around me.  As I start working on the positive aspects of my moral inventory, I recognize that I don't want to end up enmeshed in the negative again.  I recognize that I have potential and that God can use me if I allow Him to.

As Joshua stated so well in the end of his farewell address - "Choose this day whom you will serve."

The Producers

So we got back late from Clovis last night (well later than we had planned).  The weekend was very nice and we got to spend at least a little time with each of the kids.  We stayed at Andy & Rachael's place.  The party Friday for Sarah & Dale was very nice.  I really enjoyed meeting Dale's family.  Saturday night, a bunch of us went out to see "The Producers" at a local dinner theater.  We had a great time.  The show was very well done and very funny (although certainly not appropriate for small children).  Sunday night we got back to town too late to make care group so we stopped at an Indian restaurant to have dinner.

We very much enjoyed the weekend and the children.

Friday, March 12, 2010


We are leaving to drive to Clovis in a little while.   Cindy is hosting an engagement party for Sarah & Dale tonight and we are going out to the dinner theater tomorrow night for Nate's birthday (he turns 15 this weekend).  I am really looking forward to spending time with the kids.

Feeling introspective today - I guess it is to be expected as I gradually assimilate the implications of taking a moral inventory.  One thing that is good is that I have actually been very productive this week which is something that I couldn't say a month ago.  I am very, very blessed by the friends I have in my life as well as my family.

I wish blessings on you as well....

Thursday, March 11, 2010


So today on the radio, the dj on Air1 was talking about the labels we put on people and how putting labels will actually change how we perceive people/things.  Wow, what a timely discussion.  Today at the gym, a small group of individuals were there as guests of a staff member.  I immediately labeled them (negatively) and began complaining (to myself) about how "this group" had taken over a portion of the gym.  I was definitely guilty of categorizing, labeling and relegating to "the bucket" several people I had never met or interacted with.

Until this morning, I would have sworn that I don't do this - that I am fair, imparital and unbiased.  God showed me quite clearly that isn't the case.

blessings on your day

So Anyway

I haven't been online much the last week or so as work has kept me fiendishly busy.   On the plus side, it certainly makes my days go by faster.  On the negative side I have a lot less time to journal and share my life with you, the casual reader.  The short version is that I have either been sick or had work in the evenings that has prevented me from attending very many meetings in the last 2 weeks.  My step study is nearing the end of step 4 and I have been able to explore some of the areas in which others have impacted and have started the process of evaluating myself.

Today I have been in 2+ hours of meetings and spent an hour listening to a mandatory security presentation - not one of most productive days.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


I work hard to stay calm and professional at work. Occasionally, this is more of a challenge.  Today is one of those times.

Like many companies, ours publicly espouses teamwork.  There are posters, signs and awards to slam this point home.  Yet there are those that seem to think that it doesn't apply to them.  Case in point: we are under the gun to get a system upgraded so external customers can access it and test a new software version.  There are a number of critical tasks that must be accomplished.  Some of these tasks can be done at the same time.  I made a request that one of the subsystems be upgraded WHILE I am upgrading the main system.  I spent 10 minutes arguing with the responsible party who wanted to wait until I was done before starting his piece.  In the end I told him "just do it, I don't care."  I felt like I was asking my 9 yo to clean his room yet again.


Monday, March 8, 2010

It's Monday

The weekend went by awfully fast.  Saturday, the boy and I ran some errands in the morning, I got my eye test.  After I finished picking up the stuff to make dinner I went over and watched Noah play ball.  They had a scrimmage against the Phillies which was fun.  We got home about 2:30 and I started cooking.  Mom & Dad came over about 5 and we sat down to dinner at 5:30.   I love French cooking but WOW is it time consuming.  I made Boeuf à la Bourguignonne, petite potatoes and snow peas.  The beef was amazing.  I was able to reduce the cooking time by using a good cut rather than the stew beef it called for.

The chili cook-off at church Sunday was fun and the weather was perfect.  I managed to get the lawn mowed between church and care group.

Over all it was a nice weekend :)

Friday, March 5, 2010

Chili Time

This Sunday our congregation has to relocate as  the facility we used was booked already (we have known for quite a while).  So to make things more interesting, the church is sponsoring a chili cook-off at the church office.  I am bringing cornbread as I have never developed a decent chili recipe.  It is too bad Emma has to work this weekend.

Tomorrow night we are celebrating mom's birthday by having them over for a fancy dinner.  I got out my Julia Child cookbook and will be experimenting.  I have gotten pretty good at braising onions and sauteing 'shrooms (seems like every main dish calls for this).  Noah has a scrimmage against another team on Saturday and I head over to the eye-doctor to see about getting some sunglasses.  It will be a busy weekend for sure.

blessings :)

Alligators, oh my!

Today I learned how to fend off an alligator.   For once, my survival calender was useful as I feel like I am constantly up to my eyeballs in alligators.  Now all I have to do is to remember to thump them briskly on the snout or behind the ears.

Hmmmm....wonder how my VP would take to that treatment?

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Dance

Better footwork than Fred Astaire, more graceful than Ginger Rogers, tapping faster than the stars of River Dance, more agile than a contortionist - these all describe the dance of the addict.  A practicing addict may be able to hide his/her addiction for many years.  Family, friends and mates may suspect but rarely are able to pierce the veil and web that the addict weaves unaided.  We get so good at putting up a false front, hiding the core of our being and covering up our addictions that often we truly don't know who we are.  I am listening to a song by Three Dog Night titled The Show Must Go On.  This really epitomizes the addict's dance.  Under no circumstance must anyone see the real "us."  We must not let the mask slip or allow the show to stop.

You see, when the show stops we have to be real, authentic, transparent and that is terrifying to the extreme.  The dance hides our pain, our insecurities, our failures.  It protects us and keeps us safe.  It also prevents anyone from truly knowing us or getting close to us.  It stunts our growth emotionally and spiritually (we think we are hiding from God as well). 

On the outside we might look good.  We present an image of respectability, spirituality, competence.  We seem to have relationships, success, confidence.  I know people that have made this work for decades (I did it for 35 years).  I suspect some never, ever come out from behind that wall - it is just too scary to contemplate.  I also know that until God ripped my walls down, stripped me and laid me bare on the ground I could not heal, grow or have intimate relationships.  Addiction comes in so many flavors - alcohol, drugs, sex, career, co-dependency, relationships.  We will do almost anything to avoid dealing with pain and reality.

If you are doing the "dance" I urge you to stop - be real. authentic, transparent.  In the long term it will destroy you completely, and from the inside out.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Can You See Me Now?

The VOTD today was from the sermon on the mount where Jesus talks about being a light on a hill.   Lately I must acknowledge that my light has been dim or even hidden.  Far too often I have allowed the stress and frustrations of my life to affect my witness.  Being a light is serious business.  Our lives may be the only witness some people ever see (or can see).  Being a light can make a difference at work at play or even (carefully) at home.  Being a light means letting God's love shine through you.  It also means that you are filled with His peace and His mercy (let's face it, we have little of that to share if we rely on ourselves).

blessings on your day (and your light)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

When We Can't

So much of my life has been a battle - mostly to get what I can't/shouldn't have (the other huge area is running from what I *DO* get but that is a different post).  This can equate to stuff, accomplishments, relationships or even peace.  Sometimes when we strive and fight for things that God has placed out of our reach, we grow.  Much of the time, however, we end up frustrated, unhappy or in pain - this happens when God has already said "no" or "wait" and we ignore Him.  We struggle to get that shiny, new car, that vacation home, the promotion we "deserve" or the mate that catches our eye (and our lust).

Sometimes the thing we pursue is what we call "peace."  Of course the irony in this is that when we pursue what God withholds from us, peace is about the last thing we achieve.  I struggle with contentment a lot.   I  am, quite frankly, dissatisfied with where I am in my life (ignoring that it is almost completely the result of my own poor choices).  Yet I know that Paul exhorts us to learn contentment.   God's patience with me overwhelms me at times, I seem to struggle with the same things over and over again (even if you ignore the addiction struggles).   Like love and faith, contentment is a choice - and one I make far too infrequently.

blessings on your day


Yes I am a geek.  I take delight in oddness, technology and weird scientific facts.   Today at 6 minutes to 7, the numbers aligned -> 6:54 3/2/10

Cool, eh?

I have been blessed in that some of my children share this love for numbers, computers and oddness.  My son Nate (who turns 15 this month) saved up his money to buy a chain-mail shirt.  How cool is that?   This is also the reason I have to have a phone that is really a computer (Palm Pre), my library on an ereader (B&N Nook) and my entire music library in my satchel (iPod classic cuz 32Gb just isn't enough).

Monday, March 1, 2010

Survive This

Today I learned how to cross a Piranha-infested river - 'nuff said.

Visiting with Family

This weekend was fun, we had our grandson for 4 days and Aaron came up as well.  It was nice spending time with Aaron, Kimi & Annie on Saturday.  Aaron and I took the boys over to Lowe's for project day (used up 3 kits and only completed one project - it was a tough one this week).  The 3 of us couples in our small group are starting to bond a bit more as we find out more about each other.

Lately my thoughts have been on vision and what God has planned for me.  So far I don't have any answers to share but I will when the time is right.