Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Great Things

I have been heard complaining lately that "this is too hard, I can't do it" when asked about how my recovery is going.  I have heard similar things from many, many others.   I have heard it at baseball practice, music practice, while homework is being done or a project is being attempted.  It was probably heard at the building of the pyramids, while digging the Panama Canal and around the camp where the Ark was being assembled.

It was also spoken in the garden at Gethsemane the night before Jesus went to the cross.

Nothing of worth or greatness is accomplished without sacrifice.  The greater the work or the task, the greater the sacrifice that will be needed.  Recently I have sacrificed relationships (that were not healthy), my time, my energy, my evenings and to some extent - my family.  The biggest sacrifice, perhaps, has been my ego and my pride.  I recognize that there is a potential for great things to come out of my recovery and that God is preparing to use me.  I know that without sacrifice, I will not succeed or survive.  It isn't easy and it will never be trivial.  It is painful, tedious and difficult.  Dying to self, giving up the things that hold us back (which are ALWAYS dear to our heart) and paying the price are all part of growing, healing and building.  When I stop sacrificing and start holding on to myself is when I fail.

What is God asking you to sacrifice in your journey?

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