Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Word of the Year

Oxford (the OED people) has declared "unfriend" as the word of the year.   At first glance this seems to acknowledge the impact of social networks (particularly FaceBook) on our culture.  After a little more consideration it also seems to be an indictment.   Are we so shallow and superficial that we need a special word to state the process of removing friends from our circle?   Is it that they were never actually friends in the first place or is it that we are truly that quick to ban people from our lives at the first hint of failed expectations?

Personally, I have made a decision to remove myself from that world entirely.  Not so much because I disagree with the philosophy but simply because it has been an (almost obsessive) distraction to me in my life.  I initially joined FB to "hang" with my neighbors but it quickly sucked me in with online gaming which lead to the arms race of adding fellow gamers.  At one point I had almost 2,500 people in my "friend list."   Of course the vast majority were just names/numbers but they were still there.  It flooded my email and my text messaging.  It consumed countless hours and became the center and focus of my day.   Frankly, I was very good at ti but the cost was far too great to allow it to continue.

I am a recovering FB user, currently with almost a month of "sobriety" under my belt.  I would have to say that most days I don't miss it at all.  Let me know if you want to kick the habit - there is an app for that...

blessings on your day

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