Friday, November 20, 2009


Today my struggle is with surrender - ok I struggle with that MOST days, however, I am focused on it today.  Before you can really grow and make changes in your life, you first have to remove what was there.   It is the same as urban renewal.  Step 1 is to tear down the old building.  The funny thing about God is that he doesn't tear things down in our lives without permission.  That isn't to say that He doesn't push, prod and encourage us to begin the process.  To do the actual work, however, we must surrender to Him, let Him into our lives (all the way, yes thank you) and let Him start the process of tearing down and ripping out the old, broken structures.

The process of surrendering to God is never a one-time deal (at least not for anyone *I* know).  I am in a constant cycle of surrendering and taking back.  I am also learning that as you go along this path, it DOES get easier.  I find myself letting go of things I have held tightly for all of my life.  God has stripped me of my defenses, my ego and torn down the walls I built to keep people and Him out.  The freedom this brings is amazing!

Begin the process of surrendering today, you will be better for it.   Blessings on your day

1 comment:

Emm said...

As you know I struggle with this are alot also. Would love to surrender it all and not take it back, but this is a very difficult thing for me. I continue to be in prayer regarding this in my life. Be encouraged the through GOD we can do all things!