Thursday, November 19, 2009


Communication continues to be a focus with me.  For much (most) of my life, I have hidden part of me deep inside which means any communication has either been shallow or incomplete.   As I learn to let down those final barricades and expose my inner self to the light I find myself almost over-communicating.  That is a good thing.

The downside is that increasingly I have little tolerance for people that can't (won't) communicate.   I am an information junkie and I will tell anyone who asks pretty much anything.  I will volunteer info if I think you might have the slightest interest in it and I work hard to keep those close to me apprised of the details of my life.  Personally, I think that it ends up being a respect and boundaries issue.  If people are relying on information from you to make decisions, it is your responsibility to make sure that they have the information they need - and in a timely manner.   Yup, stuff happens and sometimes it doesn't work that way.  However, that should be the exception, not the rule.

My $0.02

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