My favorite talk-radio show yesterday aired a segment on the recipients of an Extreme Makeover, Home Edition. They went from owning a "dangerous" home to a 5,000 sq. ft. mansion in Atlanta (4 fireplaces, 1,00o sq ft kitchen, etc.). They were gifted with enough money to keep the home up for some number of years. Now they will lose the house. They took the house (owned free and clear), refinanced and took out 90% of the value to invest in a construction company that is now failing. They are facing foreclosure and may soon be worse off than they were when it all started.
Taking ANYONE and jumping them 3-5 income brackets without giving them the tools and training (and sustainable income) to correctly use the gift should be a crime. Beazer Homes, ABC, Sears and all the other company should be ashamed of what they have done to people. They give them hope and help and then abandon them to disaster all in the name of ratings.
This same theme is played out across our nation daily. How many rebuilt homes, lotto jackpots and extreme makeovers are still intact 3-5 years later? We use, discard and destroy people's lives for our own entertainment.
Link to LA Times article ->