Isn't that what the American public says? I liked the old-style sparklers. They were brighter and lasted longer. What kid ever died from stepping on a hot sparkler wire? Seriously, it was a rite of passage for most of us. It taught an important lesson - wear shoes outside when mom/dad tell you to.
Oh sure, I understand that some people are irresponsible (and yes, let's say it - stupid) but why does that mean the rest of us have to pay for it? I blame the lawyers personally. I am sure that there are a few that are honest, hard-working and looking out for the public good (just like there are a few "good" politicians). Far too many, however, are just greedy and callous.
Ok, that's the end of my rant for today. I'll try to find somethig nice to say a little later.
Oh don't even get me started. They just passed a law this week in Florida allowing people to bring guns to the workplace, but we're not allowed to have fireworks; only sparklers.
They tried to ban fireworks in CA due to the fires (which still burn) but faced too much opposition from the charities that run the booths
We can't bring guns to work
the new sparklers hardly sparkle. The paper burns, and it finally sparkles towards the end of the stick. So here you are, giving your child a flaming sick. Just great.
Next year I will just give them matches instead ;)
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